Standley Open House – April 16
Standley’s Open House/Career Fair/GATE Meeting will be on April 16th, come join us and see what your students have been working on! Curie, Doyle, and Spreckels families are welcome!

Standley Career Fair – April 16
Please contact Ms. Garcia at if you can showcase your career.

The Kebob Shop – April 17 ALL DAY – 50% back to Standley PTSA!

Order your 8th grade promotion lawn signs!
With the end of the year coming up fast it’s time to start thinking about celebrating your promoting 8th grade student. Order a yard sign today to show them how proud you are! Orders due by 5/8 with pick up 5/16. Proceeds will benefit the PTSA. Email your order to

Step up to the challenge & Join the Standley PTSA Today!
Two easy ways to sign up: online by credit card or by sending cash/check with your membership form to the school office.

Farm Fresh Fundraiser
Order on the first Monday of the month on the right hand side of this page, and delivery will be on the 2nd Tuesday of the month! Items will be delivered to the Standley pool parking lot. Items will be available from the time they are delivered to the pool parking lot (between 12 pm and 2 pm) until 3 pm. An email and a text message will be sent when the items arrive. If you are not able to pick up during that window, please let us know and we can make an alternative delivery arrangement. Dates listed here!

Shop for the PTSA!

Check out the Fundraising Page for a few simple ways to donate to the Standley PTSA by simply shopping at your favorite online retailers, and dining-in at your favorite UC restaurants! We have links and instructions for Ralph’s and Standley Seahawk Spirit Wear!