Standley PTSA is a Parent-Teacher-Student Association that is part of the San Diego Unified Council of PTAs, the Ninth District of California PTAs, the California State PTA, and the National PTA.
Standley PTSA helps parents, students, school staff, and the community work together to share ideas about programs and activities that benefit children. Our PTSA provides information and resources that strengthen the connections between students, parents, schools, and the community.
2024-2025 Executive Board
President: Trinka Adamson
1st VP Memberships: Karen Puthuvalil
2nd VP Programs: Shane Coetzee
3rd VP Ways & Means: Sara Jorissen
Communications: Amy Burfitt
Treasurer: Karla Orsa
Secretary: Stephanie Hutslar
Historian: Amanda Yamamoto
Auditor: Kristi Stallings
Parliamentarian: Julie Dennis
Principal/School Representative: William Pearson
Teacher Liaison: Maire Juergens
Committee Chairs
Book Fair: Nikki De Winter
Campus Beautification*: Vacant
Career Fair*: Vacant
EdUCate! Liaison*: Vacant
E-Newsletter: Paige Grenier
Honorary Service Awards*: Vacant
Hospitality: Julie Dennis
Prep Day: Nikki De Winter
Reflections: Amanda Flatt
Social Media (Facebook and Instagram): Amy Burfitt
Track Meet: Lisa Grant
Website: Lisa Smith
*To find out more information or express interesting in filling any of our vacant positions please contact us via email at